The Full-Time Nanny site has a list of 30 blogs that feature the best advice on how to stop bullying. I’m grateful that is mentioned in the section on how to stop bullying in the workplace.

Other categories of bullying are:

  • How to stop bullying in schools.
  • Anti-bullying, school initiatives.
  • Anti-bullying support groups and charities.
  • Personal experience blogs.
  • How to stop online bullying and harassment.

The article points out that, “as many as 70% of children become the victim of bullying at one point in their lives.  Despite increased efforts by support groups, charities and schools, the problem persists.  However, bullying is not confined to the classroom and playground – bullying exists in the greater community, online and in the workplace.”

Also, “Bullying leaves the victim feeling isolated, worthless and often depressed or suicidal.  The culture of bullying is present in every country across the globe, with no sign of being eradicated.

Of course, I think our practical and real-world work coaching and consulting is outstanding in all of these areas.

Since all tactics depend on the situation, expert coaching by phone or Skype helps.  Call me to design a plan that fits you and your situation.  And build your will and skill to carry it out effectively.