Leopards have spots, dinosaurs had size.  Each developed a particular competency to succeed in a fixed environment.  But when the environment changes, the most rigid species become the most vulnerable to extinction.  Clever chameleons and adaptable amphibians are flexible enough to succeed – they are better able to survive the tides of change.

Humans need to be adaptable and our team structures must be versatile in order to meet the demands of our rapidly changing economic environment.
To read the rest of this article from the Denver Business Journal, see:
Adaptable Teams and Individuals Survive Change

Teams with more bodies, or with fixed hierarchies and rigid roles can be appropriate for some tasks.  A regimented sequence of robotic skills succeeds on assembly lines.  However, the fads of “core competencies” and “outsourcing” can lead organizations to become too ossified in a niche that will be gone tomorrow.

Companies require versatility on three important levels:

  1. Individuals must act competently in varying roles and relationships in different teams designed to handle different tasks.
  2. Individual teams must be capable of adopting new strategies when demands change.
  3. Teams must alter patterns of interactions between them in order to meet changing needs.

When do problems arise?
When the organization fails to provide the necessary structure and resources, or new staff aren’t sufficiently trained in the company’s style of team processes.  Also, when someone:

  1. Tries to do it all him/herself.
  2. Puts self-interest above team goals and processes.
  3. Plays “intrigue”, “sabotage” or “politics.”
  4. Responds ineffectively to pressure, change, fear or anger.

Clever chameleons, adaptable amphibians and appropriately flexible individuals in versatile teams are able survive where dinosaurs couldn’t.

The best way to create adaptable and successful teams is to hire Dr. Ben for personalized coaching and organizational consulting.

Design and implement an effective plan that eliminates the high cost of low attitudes.  To get the help you need, call Ben at 1-877-828-5543.

AuthorBen Leichtling